"We are the Glue, the Guild is the Mold." - Nabolshia Dark Lotus


NABOLSHIA is BACK! The Severed Hand Seeks PvPRpg players! That LOVE the game Ethos! Defend Horde Cities and Strongholds! Gain Achievements! Mounts! New Items! As pwning PvPVe players! A New Genere! In the WoW, on Velen! PST for guild invite!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Know the Rules

Hey guys, I'm Volos from the WoW Branch of the Severed Hand and the job of welcoming new and old members of Severed Hand has been entrusted to me by Nabolshia, Founder of the SVHG in 2006. 


In this blog I will touch on the basic elements of game play for new players and the new Guild Ranking system for new members. Which is controlled by the King and High Council of the SVHG, King being a Noble and contested title, in which you may challenge to be king at anytime!

Presently there are 6 holders of  Power in the SVHG of WoW. Myself (Volos) as Magistrate, I head the 4 High Council and manage the guild Mechanics details after votes have been made. 

A Few SVHG of WoW Ground Rules (As ruled by the Council):

1) Once recruited into the guild the recruiting player must place the recruited players information in the "Public Note" section of the guild list. (Information is they're Class>Spec>Professions>and if applicable who they're Main character is) Example recruited by Volos or this is Volos Alt. See Ranking for more info.

2) Don't Spam /G Guild chat, other than the weekly lottery information postings done by Versatyle.

3) Do not be concerned about keeping your spot in the guild.We would like for players to log in at LEAST 1 time every month, or have an excuse (send an in game mail to any high councilor). Characters logged out for more than 1 month are placed before the high council for a vote to hold you or put you on the chopping block to make room for new members.(We want you to come back to us, AND bring your friends!)

4) Although not a "Rule" per say, we would appreciate it if you would try to recruit active players in your own Level range into the guild if at all possible. Since we are a small guild as of now it will be hard for all of us to be on at the same time. so if you have other players in your Level range on at the same time you are then you will always have someone within the guild to help you out and vise verse.

5) For any large dispute within the guild please refer to an Officer or High Council member and we will try to resolve it to the best of our ability. If it comes into Dispute we will Hold a Council meeting.

6) Harassment within the guild will not be taken lightly, I know most of us are teenagers and adults and our language will reflect as such but there are certain lines that if crossed and brought to an officers attention will be dealt with swiftly and justly. As will failing to follow the Guild Charter.

7) In certain extreme circumstances a the High Council has the right to permanently remove a player *Main character and Alts* from the guild all together. If you are kicked then tough titties... if you think you were kicked unjustly or by mistake then mail a High Councilor in the game, appeal to your class or faction rep, to gain the most influence and affluence, perhaps you can change the tide.

8) Don't Harass other players for runs and the like, again read the Guild Charter. Look into Uber Runs when they are OFFERED by the higher levels, participate in GEAR runs at 80 and RAIDS as they are on the calendar.

It is expected that Higher levels help the lower levels when they CAN, see the Guild Charter. Don't judge someone that doesn't have "TIME" or isn't feeling the mood for it. You don't know if they just got done running someone else around for 4 hours. We are all playing to ENJOY one aspect of the game or other, give others that same respect and you'll see that you reap GREATER rewards in the long run. Don't Lead by Following, Lead by cutting the path at the front line. Let people play the character and game that THEY want.

9) Whining about Leveling, or money in a serious way is unacceptable. We have a myriad of resources, high levels and the like that would love to share tips and tricks and even help out here and there on "How to" do things best from "Their" experience.

EVERYONE crawled from level 1, how fast and how rich is dependent on your determination and dedication. As an example my wife's LOW level toons level 30 something, have more money than my 80 mage saw until 80. Level 80 is then on a quest for GEAR! Gear can not be achieved without help from others, in dungeons, SO GET USED TO DUNGEONS!! You have NO escape from them if you plan on playing wow to the END GAME.

10) It's all about YOU! Not everyone else, rely on everyone else for assists, and advice. And respect if people don't have either or just a little, the idea is to LIVE the game. If you know of good tricks or hints to help on stuff submit articles - the GUILD will prof read them and then post.Who knows you might become a writer for the Guild website one day.

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