"We are the Glue, the Guild is the Mold." - Nabolshia Dark Lotus


NABOLSHIA is BACK! The Severed Hand Seeks PvPRpg players! That LOVE the game Ethos! Defend Horde Cities and Strongholds! Gain Achievements! Mounts! New Items! As pwning PvPVe players! A New Genere! In the WoW, on Velen! PST for guild invite!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Merits System

A new Merit System is being put in place for Officers to track "Good" and "Crappy" players in the guild. 

Bad Merit X
When a player is out of line, breaking rules or being blatantly negative, put an X in the officers note. If it is something that needs to be addressed, do so, and snap a screen shot of the text by hitting {print screen} then open a paint doc and ALT+V and paste it in there and save it. This can be used in the future, if they are really bad ignore them and report the issue to a High Councilor.

Good Merit +

If you find an above and beyond player, add a + to their officer note. This is to indicat6e this is a good player. Whenever you think a player is good or bad, check the officer note at the beginning. As an example three +++  would mean they are a very helpful and friendly player and will be more likely to be trusted with promotions down the road.

$ Advanced knowledge
This player has advanced experience in the game, and can be asked about mechanics

% Questionable Practices
This is a questionable player and may have alternative motives, and has been caught instigating confrontations or trying to manipulate guild access or services, This includes but is not limited to, FARMING the guild bank, or invoking guild chat arguments, constant spam and insubordination to officers, and promoting distention among other players and ranks, not limited to tyranny. This is anything negative in relation to guild social economics, and tranquility as a whole.

Public and Officer notes:

On all standard players we need to mark who recruited them. Place it in the public note if your not an officer, for officers they would put it in the officer note at the start. I go through them all once or twice a week and readjust whats needed.

Admin and the GM have the ability to add or remove officer notes to prevent note tampering.It is the job of leaders to report player behavior directly to an ADMIN or the GM to have the merits changed on a toons account, this guarantees accurate readings and feedback on players attitudes by the leadership.

Know we are watching and looking for the BEST of the BEST!

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