"We are the Glue, the Guild is the Mold." - Nabolshia Dark Lotus


NABOLSHIA is BACK! The Severed Hand Seeks PvPRpg players! That LOVE the game Ethos! Defend Horde Cities and Strongholds! Gain Achievements! Mounts! New Items! As pwning PvPVe players! A New Genere! In the WoW, on Velen! PST for guild invite!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Guild Bank Rules

The Guild Bank is a sanctuary for the ITEMS found by Higher level players when FARMING zones and the like, and then to ASSIST lower levels or other players, they DEPOSIT the items into the GUILD bank for other players to better themselves. All items in the BANK are donated, and are intended to help better players as they progress through levels. However, though the items are MEANT to help people, they ARE NOT intended to help players MAKE money, or increase their disenchant materials. There are RULES pertaining to BANK usage, and what is or is not ACCEPTABLE without getting demoted or BLACK marked on merits. The expectations are as follows, and ignorance to the Guilds expectations will not be an excuse for misuse of bank materials, you will receive demerits and be demoted immediately. Until Reformations can be made, or a balance of goods can be maintained.


Only Take Items You Can Use or Wear
If your character can not wear an item then do NOT remove it from the bank. If it is in a slot on a higher bank tab than your alt can reach, move it to a lower bank tab instead. That way I can see that the item was moved and then REMOVED by the proper CLASS for the item. All of this information is tracked under Log- on the Bank tab, read the notes section under the bank tab to find out more information, and guidance. If it is higher level than what you can presently wear that is alright, that is not an issue, the issue is removing gear and items that are not for your class or your professions.

DO NOT remove items for ALTERNATE characters
Again, removing items for your alt with a higher level is not permitted. Instead move the item to a lower bank slot that your alt can access. If you have reached the with withdrawal limit, let a higher level know or an officer or admin and have them grab it for you when they can.

DO NOT remove items for RESALE
Removing items that you can not USE is a sign that you are FARMING our bank. When this is detected you will be demoted and receive a demerit. As per the Demerit rules, 3 strikes and you are banned from the guild and put on the GM's ignore list, which bans all of your alt accounts from being recruited, even if you trick another player into bringing you in. An ignore is an account ignore, and if placed on you by the GM, it effects all attached accounts.

DO NOT remove items to DISENCHANT them
Do NOT remove items from the guild bank to disenchant them. This is also a violation of the Guild charter, read the information listed on the right column of the guild web page- "how to make money" and also the info on the best profession tricks and tips. Do not use our items in the guild bank to level your enchanting skills or to get materials you need. Again you will be receive a demerit and flagged as a thief. Do not do this to yourself.

A Last Note about Bank Items & Raid/ Battle Group Armor Repairs
The gear is tracked, and anything that is not used within a certain time period is taken by a trusted ADMIN or by the GM and liquidated, this money goes into the guild coffer and allows for guild repair. Guild repair should also not be abused, and if in a battlegroup or raid, should only be used when on guild dungeon runs or raids.

Bank Slot Index (BSI)

Slot 1 - For up to level 40 items and gear - Guild Tabbards and Glyphs
(Purchased by Volos)

Slot 2 - For MATERIALS only
(Purchased by Faiyth)

Slot 3 - Level 41 to 69 gear & Receipes
(Purchased by Nabolshia)

Slot 4 - Level 70 to 85 gear & Chests (i.e. Lockboxes) & Enchanting Materials
( Purchased by Loche)

Slot 5 - Not Active
(Does YOUR name go here?)

Special Thanks to all those that try and make this the best Guild Possible! Treat the guild bank as you would want your Bank to be treated, and there will be many happy years to come. SVHG!

Nabolshia Dark Lotuc (Founder SVHG - est 2006)

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