"We are the Glue, the Guild is the Mold." - Nabolshia Dark Lotus


NABOLSHIA is BACK! The Severed Hand Seeks PvPRpg players! That LOVE the game Ethos! Defend Horde Cities and Strongholds! Gain Achievements! Mounts! New Items! As pwning PvPVe players! A New Genere! In the WoW, on Velen! PST for guild invite!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Ancients

The Severed Hand Guild has found a dead end, if we follow the DARK PATH of basing everything on PVE end game raiding as lvl 80+s, then this is a loss like every other guild. The truth would be is to STAND for who and what we are.

We ARE the HORDE, we are bent in a life long conflict against the alliance, and any other enemies that appear in the middle of this conflict are SIMPLY distractions. We are NOT to be distracted, nor are we to be TRICKED or FOOLED as to the direction that is the TRUE end to the means.

This is to destroy ALL ALLIANCE oppositions.

The Severed Hand Guild or SVHG is prepared for the future, to help defend and protect:

1) Low level starting zones pre & post CATA
2) Follow the SVHG code of ETHICS
3) Take FLIGHT as soon as possible (ASAP) to defend Cata starting ZONES.
4) Be a leader! Text me, Email me, in game me, whatever! Make the SVHG the DEFENDERS of the New Cata release as we can SEE that the flight NOOB zones will NEED to be defended. And if they don't, we have PvP BG - Arena's & World PvP (WPvP)!!! And it COMES in FLIGHT mode, if you have CATA flight and are PvP, let me know ASAP, to become part of the ELITE GUARD.

Life is ABOUT to change, welcome to the protective sheath of the SVHG, and their GOBLIN army.


The starter areas over run, by FLAGGED PvP players of the Alliance. And our ARMY of Goblins run in with their pathetic distractions @ lvl 60. Then as the FLAG zone is red hot, our LVL 80+ Flyers descend on them out of air, and destroy everything, be ready to the NEXT gen of WoW, join the SVHG.

We Need:

1) Good Leaders
2) Laid Back players that have GOALS
3) Raid Guides (guiding groups in BG & World PvP)
4) Nabolshia is a For the Horde Raid leader with 8/0 wins on all 4 cities in one run in 2 hrs.
5) Like minded people (no Drama) that know to recruit people that are ONLINE when they are
6) Loyal players to help make SVHG into the Velen World PvP name to fear in CATA.
7) Willingness to learn and not be carried through leveling.
8) Utilizing team work to make the guild succeed
9) Players BUILDING core groups all hours of the Day and night all over the world
10) I WANT players to be able to log on, ANYTIME, and be able to join runs for BG and world PvP, and instances if they are running for gear like in VoA, and ToC.
11) To make groups and use guild tools to inform other players of your events.
12) An application form is being created, apply for the SVHG here SEVERED HAND GUILD, the test will be based on SVHG history and origins, as well as PvE and PvP test questions, and inquiries about RPG aspects of Party movement and Attack methods. Be prepared.

Nabolshia Nabz Founder, Master & friend. SVHG 2006

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